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New Captain America Trailer!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One of the sweetest posters I have ever seen...
Here is the newest trailer featuring the upcoming summer blockbuster "Captain America: The First Avenger." They reveal more of Steve Rogers before he is experimented on as well as what he will be doing once he becomes the first Avenger. I was never into comic books as a kid, but this movie really  seems like it would make sense to those who didn't read the original comics. There has been so much hype behind this movie from all sides that you can't help but get excited about it. Those who made it seem to be intoxicated by it and can't wait to release it to the public. I can tell you that I will be one of the first to see it when it finally comes out on May 6, 2011.

My only concern is how Chris Evans will look before he becomes all hot and buff. His body will obviously be replaced by a smaller actor, and his head will be put in with computer effects later. But this is an extremely delicate operation. They did this with Brad Pitt in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and it seemed to work well there. But they also made Pitt look like he was in his seventies so that's a little different than taking Evans' original face and positioning it on another body. In this trailer it looks like it will work, but his head still looks a bit too big for that tiny body.

What do you all think?

The trailer is the first one. (posted 3/24/11)


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